Widget playground

Customise look and feel of widgets to suit your website.

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Preview for a $1000 product

Interest Free $83.33 per month for 12 months. (Terms, conditions & fees apply)Learn more

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  1. Add a container div where you would like to render the widget.

    <div id="latitude-banner-container"></div>
  2. Add this script on the page (preferably in the head section) where you would like to show the widget.

    Note: Please make sure that merchant id and product attributes are added dynamically.

    window.LatitudeCheckout = {
          "merchantId": "[YOUR_MERCHANT_ID]",
          "page": "product",
          "container": "latitude-banner-container",
          "containerClass": "",
          "currency": "AUD",
          "minAmount": "250",
          "layout": "standard",
          "paymentOption": "equal",
          "promotionMonths": 12,
          "product": {
                "id": "",
                "name": "",
                "category": "",
                "price": "",
                "sku": ""
    (function () {
        function asyncLoad() {
            var curr = document.createElement("script");
            curr.type = "text/javascript";
            curr.async = true;
            curr.src = "https://develop.checkout.test.merchant-services-np.lfscnp.com/assets/content.js?platform=direct&merchantId=[YOUR_MERCHANT_ID];"
            var scr = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
            scr.parentNode.insertBefore(curr, scr);
        if (window.attachEvent) {
            window.attachEvent("onload", asyncLoad);
        } else {
            window.addEventListener("load", asyncLoad, false);